Wednesday, December 21, 2011

All Alone in a Crowd

I live with four other people and yet, I am alone.  I miss my husband and during this holiday season, this forced separation is even harder on us.  I've been getting mail from him about once a week, but that doesn't make up for him not being here.

I'm currently sick with bronchitis so I'm feeling even more miserable and depressed than usual.  I hate being sick too, so I'm cranky.  Luckily, my best friend and her kids understand this and give me the space I need to deal with being sick without the added worry of making others sick.

I have yet to find a job as well, and that is depressing and humiliating.  At my age, I should be able to find something! I'm in the process of trying to get into college now.  It'll have to be online so I can still work, but I need an higher education than I presently have.

I have discovered a social networking place for my lifestyle so I won't be as alone as I feel now.  Nothing however will replace the loss of my husband by my side.

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