Monday, April 16, 2012

Not Related To Writing

I have not done any serious writing since my last post, if blogging can be considered "serious" writing.

I have been crafting instead and working out scenes for Blood of an Enemy in my head.  I find that crocheting helps me focus when I'm imagining the scenes I want to write.  I am still working out the plot so that's slowing down the creative process as well.

Hubby Update: He's still working on getting transferred from western Illinois to southern Illinois, but he won't know anything for sure until May - if he's lucky.  He's begun writing me erotica and wants me to send him some back that I've written myself.  I haven't written much erotica.  I find it a hard thing to describe in words, maybe because for me, sex is more than physical.  I am going to try to write him something today though to send out on Thursday - just for him.

Work: work is still work.  I am still getting a lot of job satisfaction out of being able to help people find what they want as well as figure out what they want in the first place.  Lowe's is a place where most people know what they've come to get, they just don't know where to find it exactly.  Others come because they want something, but they're not sure just what it is they want.  I help both categories of people, and we all walk away happy 98% of the time.

I've been exercising every day for the past 15 days.  I've been on an exercise/diet regimen since I got here in Nov. 2011, but my exercise wasn't a daily thing until the first of April.  I am determined to lose more weight and inches so that I'm as healthy as I can be.  I have inherited degenerative disc disease as well as AADD so I have issues with some things most people do without thinking.  Something as easy as bending over can, and does at times, cause me severe pain.  Focusing on a task takes effort sometimes too.  However, I have learned to manage both conditions without the use of medication - thus far - and I will continue to do so for as long as I can.

This is my update on my life thus far.  I am not sure when I'll get back to my serious writing, but I'll keep you posted.

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