Monday, April 9, 2012

Since last we met

Between work, crocheting and looking for a second part time job, I haven't had a lot of free time for writing.

I did find the second half of Demon in Disguise, a fantasy novella I wrote and thought I'd lost on the move down from Illinois.  I'll be working on getting that on the computer and putting Blood of an Enemy on hold until it's all done.  I'd like Demon to be the first novella published this year and have it on the market by June at the latest if at all possible.

Hubby is doing okay - still fighting to get transferred to a prison in S. Illinois, but it looks promising he'll get what he wants in May, late May but still May. :-)  They're messing with his mail by holding it for nearly a week at a time, but they send outgoing mail from him on time.  It's about all they can do to punish him since he's already in segregation and alone all the time.  I'll be glad when he's home and all of this is behind us.

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