I've cut out a bunch of stuff I didn't like in the first 24 pages I hand wrote. Today, I hand wrote another 10 pages, and I'm planning to write another 10 before I call it quits for the night. I'm feeling good about the way it's flowing now.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
All Alone in a Crowd
I live with four other people and yet, I am alone. I miss my husband and during this holiday season, this forced separation is even harder on us. I've been getting mail from him about once a week, but that doesn't make up for him not being here.
I'm currently sick with bronchitis so I'm feeling even more miserable and depressed than usual. I hate being sick too, so I'm cranky. Luckily, my best friend and her kids understand this and give me the space I need to deal with being sick without the added worry of making others sick.
I have yet to find a job as well, and that is depressing and humiliating. At my age, I should be able to find something! I'm in the process of trying to get into college now. It'll have to be online so I can still work, but I need an higher education than I presently have.
I have discovered a social networking place for my lifestyle so I won't be as alone as I feel now. Nothing however will replace the loss of my husband by my side.
I'm currently sick with bronchitis so I'm feeling even more miserable and depressed than usual. I hate being sick too, so I'm cranky. Luckily, my best friend and her kids understand this and give me the space I need to deal with being sick without the added worry of making others sick.
I have yet to find a job as well, and that is depressing and humiliating. At my age, I should be able to find something! I'm in the process of trying to get into college now. It'll have to be online so I can still work, but I need an higher education than I presently have.
I have discovered a social networking place for my lifestyle so I won't be as alone as I feel now. Nothing however will replace the loss of my husband by my side.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Facebook Page Links
Here are the links to my Facebook pages for all of my books as promised:
The Crimson Knight:
Southern Romance:
Blood of an Enemy:
Blood of a Friend:
I don't have a Facebook page up for Burning Embers yet, but I will have by the end of the year.
The Crimson Knight:
Southern Romance:
Blood of an Enemy:
Blood of a Friend:
I don't have a Facebook page up for Burning Embers yet, but I will have by the end of the year.
Buffalo Nickel Band
Went to see this band called The Buffalo Nickel Band. They're all over the age of 45, and they play country - old and new, whatever takes their fancy. The man above playing the steel guitar is my best friend's father in law. The band was great!! They played some George Strait, some old waltzes and even a polka. I haven't done the two-step since I was little, but I got relearned it pretty fast! Had a great time!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Crimson Knight Update - Pulling It Off Market
I'm pulling this book off the market until I make some changes to part of the manuscript.
While planning the second novel, I discovered I needed to make some small changes to the first so the two meshed better. I'll post when I put the book back on the market.
While planning the second novel, I discovered I needed to make some small changes to the first so the two meshed better. I'll post when I put the book back on the market.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Facebook Pages
I have pages for all five of my published books on Facebook. These pages will be updated as things happen, like the edition changing triggering a lowering of the price of said book. I'll also post about planned sequels and additions to the books these events relate to. I may make a page just for announcing things I do that are directly related to my books such as book signings and such.
I'll also publish these events here on my blog, of course. I'll post my facebook page links in the blogs to come. I'm job hunting today.
I'll also publish these events here on my blog, of course. I'll post my facebook page links in the blogs to come. I'm job hunting today.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Blood of an Enemy Update
I needed to do a rewrite of the first part of the story because I wasn't happy with it. I'm now only 14 handwritten pages along, but I am working on it. I hope to have it completely done and sent to my publisher by May 2012.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Come find me on Facebook!
You can find me on Facebook using the email addy : surfingthebluenowhere@yahoo.com
You can email me direct at the same addy. I look forward to hearing from you, for whatever reason. :-)
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
You can email me direct at the same addy. I look forward to hearing from you, for whatever reason. :-)
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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