Today is the first of four days off in a row I finally have to get some things done around the house.
I've managed to get 10 pages done on the rewrite on Blood of a Friend. This is a good thing since I've been having trouble with writer's block for a few months now. What is the change? I'm in love again.
After being apart for almost 13 years, an ex of mine and I are back together. He's been looking for me for the last 10 years now and when we finally met again almost a month ago, it was as if we'd never been apart. The feelings I'd had for him back then were still there, and he told me he'd never stopped loving me either. We'd parted because he'd been a drunken ass and because one of his daughters had conspired with an ex of his to keep us apart. This same daughter now regrets what she did seeing the lengths her father has gone to to find me again. He has made me see that my marriage to Jamie is dead, and I've demanded a divorce from Jamie. Jamie will never change his selfish, self centered ways, and I will never be happy with him. My new beau, Terry, is a good, hard working man who doesn't drink or do drugs, and he doesn't have a selfish bone in his body - he'll give the shirt right off his back if someone really needed it.
My wall painting project is coming along a little quicker now that I have some time off. I've put the first coat on the base board and door trim. I've already done both coats on the window trim. I need to get some white paint now to finish the door and the wall. I'm not a professional painter, but I'm doing the best I can with my skills. I'll take some pictures and post them tomorrow so you can see how far I've gotten on the wall. I need to start looking at curtain rods and curtains once the wall is fully painted.
I've managed to get 10 pages done on the rewrite on Blood of a Friend. This is a good thing since I've been having trouble with writer's block for a few months now. What is the change? I'm in love again.
After being apart for almost 13 years, an ex of mine and I are back together. He's been looking for me for the last 10 years now and when we finally met again almost a month ago, it was as if we'd never been apart. The feelings I'd had for him back then were still there, and he told me he'd never stopped loving me either. We'd parted because he'd been a drunken ass and because one of his daughters had conspired with an ex of his to keep us apart. This same daughter now regrets what she did seeing the lengths her father has gone to to find me again. He has made me see that my marriage to Jamie is dead, and I've demanded a divorce from Jamie. Jamie will never change his selfish, self centered ways, and I will never be happy with him. My new beau, Terry, is a good, hard working man who doesn't drink or do drugs, and he doesn't have a selfish bone in his body - he'll give the shirt right off his back if someone really needed it.
My wall painting project is coming along a little quicker now that I have some time off. I've put the first coat on the base board and door trim. I've already done both coats on the window trim. I need to get some white paint now to finish the door and the wall. I'm not a professional painter, but I'm doing the best I can with my skills. I'll take some pictures and post them tomorrow so you can see how far I've gotten on the wall. I need to start looking at curtain rods and curtains once the wall is fully painted.
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