Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Update on Blood of an Enemy - sequel to Blood of a Friend

I handwrite all my books until the final product that I then put onto the computer.  I've always done my creative process this way.  Writing them out longhand helps me to really think about what I want to say.

This said, I've managed to fill 12 college ruled pages, front and back.  I use college ruled paper because I write small and feel more comfortable with the narrower spacing on the pages.  I'm going to try to make this novella longer than the first by a good 20 pages, depending on where the story leads me.

Great News!!

My hubby is in jail in Illinois, and I finally got a letter from him after 20 days!!!  It's my first letter from him, and I already have one ready to send back to him. :-D

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Disaster Has Struck!

The other half of my finished fantasy novella Demon in Disguise which I had thought was left back in Illinois has in fact, completely disappeared!!

This means I'm going to be spending the next three to six months rewriting the missing parts when I had been planning on releasing the book in January!


I had just started the second volume of my Blood series too!  Well maybe, I can work on both?  I wish I had some yarn so I could brain storm while crocheting.  It seems to help.  What doesn't help is my 4 yr old god daughter running amok like she does.....

I'll be so glad when I can find a job and get my own place!

Enough self pity, off to work on my book.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Life Sucks Right Now

My hubby of almost 4 years is currently in prison serving a 3 1/2 year sentence for pleading guilty to his 4th DWI.  That was the worst of 4 charges he was actually indicted for, and the sentence could've been a lot worse.  I'm trying to keep this all in mind as I deal with being without him.  It's been almost a month since he was led away in handcuffs, and I'm still having trouble sleeping and eating.  Depression is plaguing me though I put on a good front for my best friend whom I'm living with while I look for work. 

That's the other thing that makes my life suck so hard.  I don't have a job, and the prospects are slim to none of me finding one anytime soon. I'm staying with my best friend and her family, but I can't stay here forever.  I need my own place and my own space to really get some writing done anyway.

Jamie, my hubby, hasn't gotten any of my letters yet even though I've sent him two.  Everyone I talk to who has loved ones inside tell me the same thing - be patient as the mailrooms are slow.  They have to go through every single piece of mail that comes in and read all the letters so it takes a while. *Sigh* I wish it were faster since I haven't gotten even a first letter from him.

I miss him so much.  The holidays are going to be especially hard.  We've never been apart for very long, and I know he's got to be feeling what I am.  Once I get a job, I can pay for him to call me, but it's too expensive right now.

I hope I hear from him soon. 

Major Discount!!

I have lowered ALL of my books to $7.95, down from $12.95.  Follow the links to get to the book you want.  All of them are first edition paperbacks that will be changing to second editions sometime next year so get your copy today!!

Crimson Knight  - fantasy novella

Southern Romance - romance novella

Burning Embers - romantic poetry

Whimsy - fun poetry

Blood of a Friend - gothic horror

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Crimson Knight Facebook Page link

The above is the link for my newly created page for The Crimson Knight on Facebook.  I would've used TheCrimsonKnight as the username for this page, but it was already taken.  I'll have to see who is using the name as I am curious. :-)

The page is in the process of being constructed and will be updated as often as I feel it necessary.
It is the first book is a three part series if I haven't already mentioned that.

Feel free to contact me on the page and on facebook using the name: Billy Griffin. My profile pic has Happy Bunny on it, a lot of them. :-)

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Crimson Knight

The Crimson Knight is my first fantasy novel I've ever gotten published.  It's the first of my books I'd like to talk about.

The book is available in paperback form only.  You can get it from the link below:

This book was written so anyone could finish it in about an hour.  It's only 5.25inches wide by 8 inches tall so it'll fit in a backpack, a tote, even some pockets.  It's 126 pages long so you can read it while waiting to see a doctor, dentist, a plane, a bus, whatever.

The story is about young Kitya, a lesser noble who ran away from home when she was 13 after being raped by a nobleman and not believed by her family.  The story begins when she's 16 and comes home for a visit while her father is hosting a tourney.  While she's there, her baby sister, Kitma, is raped by the same nobleman who raped her.  Kitya's now out for revenge, and she gets help from a member of the Crimson Knights, Sir Angarde.

I'm not going to tell you more than that, you'll just have to get the book to find out what happens.

Let me know what you think if you do get the book!! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Beginnings

These first posts are always the hardest.  What do you say? 

I'm an author, as I stated in my profile.  I've been writing since I was 11 years old, and I published my first set of books a couple of years ago.  I'm currently working on two books, and both are going slow since I had to move from Illinois where I've been living for the past 7 years, back to Texas where I was born and raised. 

I write mostly fantasy, but I have tried my hand at poetry, romance, and gothic horror.

I enjoy reading a great deal.  It lets me see what the competition is up to.  I post reviews on from time to time.  I plan on doing it on here a great deal.  If you have something you'd like me to read and review, let me know.  I'll read most anything.

I'm 41,married and the mother of 2 boys.  I like cats but don't own any at present.  I'm an eclectic person, I like a great many things. 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.  I'll feel free to answer or not, depending on the question.

Here's to looking at a bright new future with all of you readers and bloggers!