Friday, February 10, 2012

What Have I Been Doing Since Last Post

to be honest I've not been doing much beyond looking for work and searching for inspiration.

I read over the 40 pages I wrote of Blood of an Enemy, and I hate every last syllable I wrote!  It's all drivel.  I've tossed it out and now I'm putting together a playlist of songs to help me start over - once I find my inspiration again.

I'm going to start reading Machiavelli's The Prince tonight since it was recommended to me by a good friend.  He actually mentioned it a long time ago, but I just got the book so...anyway.

I've been rereading Agatha Christie and Laurell K Hamilton.  I may start a list of the books I've read just to share with you all my crazy taste in literature. :-)

I've decided to post excerpts of the books and poetry collections of the books I currently have on the market here and on my website.  I hope this generates interest in my work because to be quite honest, I could use the money from the sales.

Keep checking back since I might have found myself a job :-)  I have to do something to survive until I become a well known author lol

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