Wednesday, November 21, 2012

21 Nov 2012

I couldn't think of a good title for this post so I didn't bother.  The date will suffice I'm sure.

I have to work tonight.  It's going to be a mad house because tomorrow is Thanksgiving and the next day is Black Friday.  My employer already has sales going on so we may run out of stuff for Black Friday before the day even gets here because the all mighty dollar is more important than anything else. Ah well.

I am still plugging away building up my product line for my own little business.  I have a sale going on that will last until this coming Tuesday.  I'm hoping to move some product, but we'll see.  It's very hard to promote something when you're struggling just to survive personally.

Yes, financially I'm in a mire.  I'm living paycheck to paycheck barely.  I know lots of others are in my shoes so I don't complain a lot.  I just suck it up and drive on.  I don't ask for help from my local welfare office because I feel that people with family and disabilities deserve it more than I do, and I don't want to take valuable resources away from them.  It's why I don't go to the food pantries in my area either.  I'll do without so others may have something.  I have a job at least which is more than I can say for a great many people.

Because of my financial difficulties, I'm going to have to put off getting anything for anyone this year for Christmas and birthdays.  This includes getting the printer and camera I need for my business.  They're just going to have to wait as paying my bills so I have a roof over my head is way more important.

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