Monday, November 12, 2012

I'm Back

Yes, I've been gone. I've been busy with work and with life in general.
Finances are in the toilet, and I'm struggling to make ends meet like everyone else in the US of A.
We reelected an imbecile,imho, for president and yet, our two party system is so elitist we can't get any decent people to run as an independent against those big money puts out there.  We need a charismatic leader like Martin Luther King to spearhead a major grass roots upheaval to save our country from the oligarchy it has become.  We are no longer "by the people, for the people".  We are by the rich for the rich.

Prepping is becoming huge.  It's like WWII mentality, stock the bomb shelters before the world comes to an end.  Only we're not prepping for a nuclear holicaust.  We're prepping for the financial collapse of our country.  It's going to be the Great Depression all over again if things don't drastically change.

Congress has gotten so top heavy our taxes aren't enough to pay for everything. Instead of raising taxes, the government needs to start cutting jobs just like every business in the US has had to do to save money.  It's about efficiency!  However, the US government is not about efficiency.  It's about gluttony and power and money.  We do NOT need several agencies overseeing our national defense, that's what the DOD is for! We don't need four layers of peons to get to the people in charge ie. the secretary to the undersecretary to the executive secretary ad nauseum.
Anyway, it's like I'm talking to a brick wall because no matter how much you complain and who you complain to, nobody who can do anything is listening.  Write to your congressman and your representative, why?? They won't do anything.  They're usually just as much a part of the problem as the rest of the politicians.

So anyway.... lol

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