Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving.

I'm going to be alone this year, and I don't plan on going out.  I'm going to stay home, watch the game and work on the new choker I've got partially designed in my head.  Don't pity me, please.  I knew I'd be alone this year.  Hubby is still in prison, and I have no way of moving back up to Illinois to be closer to him despite what he wants.  I can't afford to move, and there are no job openings at the Lowe's in the city I need to move to.  I can keep busy, and I won't think about it.  Today will be just another day.

I miss Hubby very much.  Mail runs way too slow when you can't afford to send things priority.  I don't have a phone he can use to call me either so that's out.  :-(  I'll be glad when he gets out, and we get back together again.  Being alone sucks, and our 10th anniversary is coming up soon.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

21 Nov 2012

I couldn't think of a good title for this post so I didn't bother.  The date will suffice I'm sure.

I have to work tonight.  It's going to be a mad house because tomorrow is Thanksgiving and the next day is Black Friday.  My employer already has sales going on so we may run out of stuff for Black Friday before the day even gets here because the all mighty dollar is more important than anything else. Ah well.

I am still plugging away building up my product line for my own little business.  I have a sale going on that will last until this coming Tuesday.  I'm hoping to move some product, but we'll see.  It's very hard to promote something when you're struggling just to survive personally.

Yes, financially I'm in a mire.  I'm living paycheck to paycheck barely.  I know lots of others are in my shoes so I don't complain a lot.  I just suck it up and drive on.  I don't ask for help from my local welfare office because I feel that people with family and disabilities deserve it more than I do, and I don't want to take valuable resources away from them.  It's why I don't go to the food pantries in my area either.  I'll do without so others may have something.  I have a job at least which is more than I can say for a great many people.

Because of my financial difficulties, I'm going to have to put off getting anything for anyone this year for Christmas and birthdays.  This includes getting the printer and camera I need for my business.  They're just going to have to wait as paying my bills so I have a roof over my head is way more important.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Today's Plans :-)

Hollie came over with her man, and so did our friend, Jan.  We've been getting together to play Dungeons and Dragons once a week for almost a month now, and though we hadn't planned to play, we ended up playing which was fun for all of us.

After the game was ended at a prime stopping point, Jan and Hollie's man went with Hollie and I to a little shop run by a nice lady who actually opened the place just for us despite it being her day off.  The place is called Something4Divas.  The shop has an online site so just google the name :-)  We did a lot of looking around and a little bit of shopping.  Jan is going to bring her mom back, and the shop owner gave Jan her cell so if she needed to open the shop on an off day again, she could make an appointment like I did for Hollie and myself. :-)

I managed to get two necklaces and a bracelet done today, but I only got 2500 words added to Demon.  I'm off work again tomorrow so I'll work on it some more then.

Plans of Mice and Men and Me

mostly me since I have no clue what the men and the mice are doing today.

I have plans to finish a necklace I'm working on.  I plan to add about 5,000 words to Demon in Disguise today.  I also plan on having my friend, Hollie, come over to visit - if her man cooperates.

Hollie is a very dear friend of mine, and though we work together, we don't often get to socialize.  She lives a town over from me.  She's great, and she gives me such great creative inspiration! She's into music big time, and she finds me the best music for my writing playlists. :-)  I also consult with her on gothic jewelry designs.

What are your plans for the day??

Oh yeah, I'm closing in on a printer that I think will suit my needs.  Doing some shopping around to see if I can get a good Black Friday deal. :-)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hey I'm here again!!

How many days in a row has it been now that I've made a post?? LOL I'm getting better at this blogging thing I guess.  More consistent anyway.

So I added a post to my krafting blog, and I want to mention here as well that I do have an online gift store over on  It's called Griffin's Gifts.  I've got around a dozen items on there now, and I'll be adding more over the next few days just in time for a small Black Friday sale. :-)  I may hold the sale over until Cyber Monday depending on how well things go, and how much product I have left.  I am only making one of a kind items so please check out what I have because once it's gone, that exact item won't be seen again. :-)

I got myself a bigger laptop finally.  The little notebook from Acer finally died after almost ten years in service.  This one I have is a Samsung.  It's okay for what I need it for, but I really prefer the AMD processors over the Pentiums so not sure how long I'll keep going with this one.  Still, it's better than having nothing at all.

Work is picking up as well so not sure how regular I'll be on here once the holiday season gets into full swing, but I'm going to try my best. :-)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Today in my little world

I got busy helping a neighbor doing some things so I didn't get any of my own projects done. I'm not complaining though because she's a nice old lady with health issues, and she needs help from time to time.  Fiercely independent, I can tell when it bothers her to ask for help of any kind, and I don't begrudge it because she's just so sweet.

Work has been rough physically.  I did a lot of ladder climbing and moving of shop vacs on and off shelves trying to get things sorted out for inventory.  I'm basically the only one in my department doing it since the department manager is gone and not around to give out assignments.  I don't mind doing it because it could cost me my job if we fail inventory.  I have an incentive you see.  The others aren't so bothered by losing their jobs because one is pretty much retired and the other has a second job.  I'm also irritated by a system that isn't efficient and neat so having to hunt for stuff two bays down from where it's being sold makes me waste time and energy best spent doing other things.

I have not done any writing in the last few days, but I am working on making time.  Demon in Disguise is just begging to be released this year. :-)

Monday, November 12, 2012

I'm Back

Yes, I've been gone. I've been busy with work and with life in general.
Finances are in the toilet, and I'm struggling to make ends meet like everyone else in the US of A.
We reelected an imbecile,imho, for president and yet, our two party system is so elitist we can't get any decent people to run as an independent against those big money puts out there.  We need a charismatic leader like Martin Luther King to spearhead a major grass roots upheaval to save our country from the oligarchy it has become.  We are no longer "by the people, for the people".  We are by the rich for the rich.

Prepping is becoming huge.  It's like WWII mentality, stock the bomb shelters before the world comes to an end.  Only we're not prepping for a nuclear holicaust.  We're prepping for the financial collapse of our country.  It's going to be the Great Depression all over again if things don't drastically change.

Congress has gotten so top heavy our taxes aren't enough to pay for everything. Instead of raising taxes, the government needs to start cutting jobs just like every business in the US has had to do to save money.  It's about efficiency!  However, the US government is not about efficiency.  It's about gluttony and power and money.  We do NOT need several agencies overseeing our national defense, that's what the DOD is for! We don't need four layers of peons to get to the people in charge ie. the secretary to the undersecretary to the executive secretary ad nauseum.
Anyway, it's like I'm talking to a brick wall because no matter how much you complain and who you complain to, nobody who can do anything is listening.  Write to your congressman and your representative, why?? They won't do anything.  They're usually just as much a part of the problem as the rest of the politicians.

So anyway.... lol